Friday, April 19, 2013

Welcome to the Family Safety Group

The Family Safety Group was conceived as a group of individuals were attempting to spread simple messages of preparedness to the general public. We realized we could blend our skills and backgrounds to put forth a more balanced approach.

The opening entry on this blog is being posted on April 19, 2013. It has been a few days since the bombing of the Boston Marathon and a fair portion of that city is currently shut down as police go door-to-door looking for a suspect. The inhabitants are indeed “sheltering in place” during this period. Need food and water? Better already have it in your home. This is a perfect example why we must all be prepared every day for the unexpected. No weather forecast could warn us that this would happen!

Once you choose to prepare for the very real possibilities of our lives you will find a lot of literature simply repeating some standards within the industry. We will deconstruct some of those standards so you can understand what you actually need. The Zombie Apocalypse will not be discussed here. We will address something even more terrifying – that wicked woman known as Mother Nature. You will never beat her wrath, but you can prepare to survive it.

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